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闪蒸和空化的主要区别在于汽泡是否破裂。存在闪蒸现象的系统管道,由于介质为汽水两相流,介质比容和流速成倍增加,冲刷表面磨损相当厉害,其表现为冲刷面有平滑抛光的外形。闪蒸也产生噪音和振动,但其声级值一般为80 dB以下,不超出规范规定的许可范围。空化则不然,汽泡破裂和高速冲击会引起严重的噪音,管道振动大,在流道表面极微小的面积上,冲击力形成的压力可高达几百甚至上千兆帕,冲击频率可达每秒几万次,在短时间内就可能引起冲刷面的严重损坏,其表现为冲刷面会产生类似于煤渣的粗糟表面。而且,由液体中逸出的氧气等活性气体,借助汽泡凝结时放出热量,也会对金属起化学腐蚀作用。







以台山电厂凝补泵再循环管为例,在机组运行过程中,发现管道振动大。分析原因为:凝补泵在正常运行时,出口压力约1.5 MPa,补给水箱进口处的压力约0.12 MPa,当泵出口的除盐水经再循环管回流至补给水箱时,由于压差较大,且管道上只装了一个电动闸阀而非调节阀,因此引起振动。为了减少振动,在*次设计变更中,采用增加节流孔板的方式,实际运行后,泵出口的管道振动有所改善,但节流孔板后的管道出现汽蚀现象。说明靠增加节流孔板来进行降压的思路是对的,但孔板的选择应有所调整。


考虑管道受静压差44.012 kPa的影响,孔板两端zui大压差



pc——热力学临界压力,对于水,pc=22.5 MPa;



由于p1=1.5 MPa,p2=0.165 MPa,20 ℃时pv=2.338 5 kPa,根据式(1)至式(3),得Δp=1335 MPa,Δps=1213 MPa。由于Δp>Δps,且p2>pv,所以采用1级节流孔板将产生汽蚀现象。为了避免汽蚀的发生,至少应装2级节流孔板。



其中Δp1=0.89 MPa,Δp2=Δp1/2=0.445 MPa。

为了防止节流孔板发生汽蚀,应以阻塞流压差Δps为准则,验算各级节流孔板压差:*级孔板的阻塞流压差Δps1=1.213 MPa>Δp1;第二级孔板的阻塞流压差Δps2=0.92×[(1.5-0.89)MPa-0.957×0.002 338 5MPa=0.492 3 MPa>Δp2。因此,每级节流孔板后都不会出现汽蚀现象,采用2级节流孔板是合理的。


根据DL/T 5054—1996《火力发电厂汽水管道设计技术规定》,水管道节流孔板孔径可按下式计算:




仍以台山电厂凝补泵再循环管为例。根据现场的实际运行数据,正常运行时热井的补水量约20 t/h,泵出口压力约1.5 MPa,扣除泵进口压力,扬程约134 m,查性能曲线,对应的流量为136.8 t/h,即经再循环管回流至补给水箱的除盐水量约116 t/h。根据式(4)得:第1级节流孔板孔径dk1=40.68 mm,取40.7 mm;第2级节流孔板孔径dk2=48.37 mm,取48.5 mm。

在该管道的*次设计变更时,流量按常规泵的再循环量(zui大流量的30%)选取,取60 t/h,且压降没按几何级数递减考虑,两级孔板孔径均为33 mm。根据实际运行情况,经再循环管回流至补给水箱的除盐水量应约116 t/h,但由于节流孔板的限流作用,流经再循环管的水量zui大只能是第2级节流孔板阻塞流时的流量。因第2级节流孔板后的压力大于液体的饱和蒸汽压力,故第2级节流孔板后出现汽蚀现象,管道产生较大振动和噪音。




When the steam pipeline of power plant without the need to adjust the pressure according to the requirement of the system, but the pipe before and after the pressure is large, often by increasing the throttle plate method, the principle is: the fluid flow in the pipeline, because of local resistance orifice plate, the fluid pressure is reduced, the energy loss, this phenomenon in thermodynamics known as the throttling phenomena. The way to simple than the regulating valve, but must be chosen properly, otherwise, easy liquid cavitation phenomenon, affecting the safety of pipeline operation. A, cavitation Orifice plate flowmeter role, is the appropriate place in the pipeline will be larger, when the liquid through the necking, beam will become thin or contraction. The minimum cross section beam in practical necking downstream, called the vena contracta. In the contraction flow section, velocity of flow is the biggest, the velocity increases with reduced greatly reduced flow cross section pressure at. When the beam expansion into larger areas, rate of decline, the increase of pressure, but the downstream pressure will not fully recover to the upstream pressure, this is because the turbulent large internal and energy consumption results. If the pressure PVC reduced flow cross section at the liquid temperature corresponding to the saturated steam pressure below PV, beam have steam and gases dissolved in water to form a mixed steam and gas escape, small bubble, the lower the pressure, the bubble number. If the pressure P2 downstream of the orifice plate is lower than the saturation vapor pressure of the liquid, the bubble will continue to produce in the lower reaches of the pipeline, liquid vapor two-phase mixture, this phenomenon is called flash. If the downstream pressure recovery than the saturation vapor pressure of the liquid, the bubble under high pressure, the rapid condensation and rupture, the bubble burst, cause local hole, high pressure water at high speed to the original bubble occupied space, forming a shock force. Because of the gas bubbles in steam and steam can not be compley dissolved in the moment and condensation, under the action of the impact force is divided into small bubbles, then condensation compression, high pressure water, thus formed repeatedly, and produce a sand flow through the pipeline is similar to we can imagine the noise, this kind of phenomenon called cavitation. The channel material surface under water hammer pressure, the formation of fatigue suffered serious damage. We put all the process of bubble formation, growth and rupture of material damage is called cavitation phenomenon. The main difference of flashing and cavitation is the bubble is broken. System pipeline has flash phenomenon, because the media is the steam water two-phase flow, medium volume and flow rate increase exponentially, scour surface wear quite powerful, its performance for the erosion surface smooth polished appearance. Flash also generate noise and vibration, but its level value is generally below 80 dB, do not exceed the specified scope. Cavitation is not, the bubble burst and high speed impact will cause severe noise, pipeline vibration, in the area of channel surface extremely small, the impact force formation pressure can be up to hundreds or even GPA, impact frequency can reach tens of thousands of times per second, in a short period of time may cause serious damage to the erosion surface, as the erosion surface will produce similar to a cinder rough surface. And, by the liquid oxygen and other reactive gases to escape, with the aid of bubble condensation heat release, also on the metal chemical corrosion. Whether the flash and cavitation, will cause varying degrees of damage to the pipeline, on the safe operation of all is negative, therefore, selection of throttle orifice plate flowmeter should avoid these two situations. Because the pressure downstream of the orifice plate is often higher than the saturation vapor pressure of the liquid, therefore, selection of throttle orifice, the most main is to prevent cavitation. Two, to prevent fluid cavitation For cavitation, erosion surface for advanced materials is not compley solve the problem, the control pressure PVC contraction section, keeping the pressure of not less than the saturated vapor pressure of liquid PV, is a fundamental measure to prevent cavitation. For the pressure drop of pipeline, through multistage depressed, to ensure that the media after each contraction section when the pressure is higher than the saturation vapor pressure of the liquid.  Three, to calculate the orifice flow meter pressure difference In order to calculate the orifice plate differential pressure, the need to introduce a new concept -- blocking flow pressure difference Δ PS. When the orifice plate at both ends of the pressure difference Δ P increases, the flow of QM also increases, when the pressure difference Δ P increases to a certain value, the pressure of PVC shrinkage at the mouth of the fluid saturated vapor pressure drops to below PV, a portion of the fluid is vaporized, pipe flow is no longer with the pressure difference increases, the formation of the so-called blocking flow phenomenon. At this time, the orifice plate at both ends of the pressure difference is called the pressure difference Δ PS blocking flow. When Δ PS actual pressure of throttle orifice difference Δ P is smaller than its corresponding, can avoid the occurrence of flash and cavitation. When the pipe at both ends of the pressure difference is larger, the multistage decompression, Δ PS but the actual pressure at every level of throttle orifice plate flowmeter difference Δ P should be less than the corresponding e According to [1], the pressure drop of multistage orifice of geometrically decreasing, when the first orifice actual pressure drop of Δ P1, class second hole plate decompression to delta p1/2, class third hole plate decompression to delta p1/22, class fourth hole plate decompression to delta p1/23,...... The n+1 class hole plate, pressure to p1/2n, straight down to the final orifice pressure close to the required pressure Taking Taishan power plant condensate make-up pump recirculation pipe as an example, in the operation process, found that the pipeline vibration. Analysis of the reasons for setting up: Pump in normal operation, the outlet pressure of about 1.5 MPa, feed water tank inlet pressure of about 0.12 MPa, when the pump outlet in addition to return after recirculation pipe brine to supply water tank, due to the pressure difference,
